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New to AZ


New member
Feb 28, 2014
I moved to Tucson 3 years ago and have seen 2 maybe 3 open carriers. I moved from NJ and it's night and day. I've been carrying concealed sort of, it doesn't matter, since I've been here and now it's second nature. I've only had one person say something and that was when I forgot to change my shirt. 🤷‍♂️
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I open carry in AZ a lot when I am down there in the winter.

Mostly positive comments. The other I try and use as educational experiences. Plus I get to hand out business cards for my firearms training business.


Sep 7, 2019
Darkside, AZ
Moved here 3.5 years ago from Upstate NY.

I'll OC depending on where I am at. I don't need people getting grabby. And I really don't feel like getting in arguments with simpletons because they don't understand.


Regular Member
Jul 15, 2008
Prescott, AZ
I generally see at least 1 person OC on every visit to the Courthouse Plaza in Presocott. We're there for one thing or another at least once a month. If there's a craft/art fair of any sort at the plaza, I'll anywhere between 3-10 OCers in the span of an hour or so.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I open carry from time to time. I prefer to conceal carry for the most part. Most of the businesses I visit tend to prefer that their customer NOT open carry. In the past when there was not so many shooting crimes open carry was not a major issue. Nowadays it's becoming a less prevalent carry method. The last time I saw an open carry was at a fast food restaurant. Most businesses prefer that their customers not open carry.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I open carry from time to time. I prefer to conceal carry for the most part. Most of the businesses I visit tend to prefer that their customer NOT open carry. In the past when there was not so many shooting crimes open carry was not a major issue. Nowadays it's becoming a less prevalent carry method. The last time I saw an open carry was at a fast food restaurant. Most businesses prefer that their customers not open carry.
I don't get out much anymore, but when I do I get thanked by most businesses for OCIng. Some restaurants give me a discount for OCing. In Wally World I am usually not the only person open carrying, there is usually at least one or two others. Question~Do most businesses tell you they prefer customers to not OC? Or are you just assuming?


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I don't get out much anymore, but when I do I get thanked by most businesses for OCIng. Some restaurants give me a discount for OCing. In Wally World I am usually not the only person open carrying, there is usually at least one or two others. Question~Do most businesses tell you they prefer customers to not OC? Or are you just assuming?
I shop primarily at two WM stores here in Tucson. Each time I see a Tucson Marshall outside the store most of the time. One day I asked why they were there I was told that they were security so those "rush" type robberies don't occur at the stores. In all the time I've been shopping at these to WM stores I've never seen OC's at all. I used to OC more often when I lived in Las Vegas. I still OC on an infrequent basis but not often.