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Fields V City Of Philadelphia


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
A great first amendment case supporting liberty minded law abiding citizens.

The court ruled that recording officers while they are performing their duties is a right under the first amendment..

" After this ruling, no reasonable officer could now successfully argue that there is not a first amendment right to record police activity"..

A great ruling for open carry folks, always record while out and about..

I would suggest that any interaction with a government agency or employee thereof be recorded..

My .02

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
In a recent district court decision, the court made the following statement:
While police officers in most circumstances must first obtain a warrant for a search or seizure, the Sixth Circuit has recognized certain exigent circumstances excusing an officer’s failure to do so. Johnson v. City of Memphis, 617 F.3d 864, 868 (6th Cir. 2010). Responding to a 911 call falls squarely within the exigent circumstances doctrine. Id. at 870. The Sixth Circuit explained, “[t]he whole point of the 911 system is to provide people in need of emergency assistance an expeditious way to request it . . . Because a 911 call is by its nature an appeal for help in an emergency, the emergency aid exception best fits the attitude of police responding to a 911 call under the circumstances present here.”
This allowed for the court to grant qualified immunity. So, when a person calls 911 about their burnt pizza and cops pistol whips the store manager for the misdeed, the cop is entitled to qualified immunity just because it was a 911 call.